What's up with all the hate?
Yes there's an election.
But where are the adults in the room?
Can we drop the hate and act like adults?
What's going to happen after the election?
Are people going to lose their minds again, or worse?
Response to Elon Musk's Petition
Mr. Elon Musk, one of the world's most influential men, has put out a petition endorsing Donald Trump.
Mr. Musk's petition asks the public to pledge to uphold the first and second amendments.
What about the rest of the amendments?
What about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
Taking all this into consideration, here is a petition in response.
Our petition is a pledge of support of all of the amendments, including the full Bill of Rights, and the above tenet of our Declaration of Independence.
Further, our petition urges Mr. Musk to encourage peace after the election, and for his followers to work alongside of (the other half of the country) in good faith on solving our problems.
Together we can create sensible policy we all can live with.
If you agree with the following text please sign below
You can include your most pressing issue.
"Offer of Peace" Petition
Offer of Peace
Mr. Elon Musk,
We hope this petition finds you well. In response to your current petition supporting the first and second Constitutional amendments we, the undersigned, pledge our support for the entire Bill of Rights.
We also support the tenet espoused in the creation of our country as said in our Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
You see, there’s a lot we agree on.
A house divided cannot stand. Right now the nation is divided 50/50 and we’re at each other’s throats. We don’t have to fight. There is a scenario where we can go point by point if we must, to find compromises for our differences. Together we can make America an example of strength, freedom, and benevolence – while watching out for powerful forces who would like to see America fail. If America turns this cold civil war hot, who will take over as the world’s super power? Would they promote the “freedom” you seek? It is not your fellow American, or even your fellow human that is the enemy. The only enemies are tyranny and injustice.
The world is watching us. Our children are watching us.
Let’s act like mature adults: sensible and strong but kind.
With all this in mind, we also pledge that no matter which candidate we campaign for til the close of polls, no matter how hard we fought or who ultimately wins, on November 6th we will extend to our neighbor a clean slate and an earnest handshake.
Let’s have a fair contest and show the world an example of good sportsmanship. Then we can get to work, together to solve some problems.
People are hurting, in America and around the world.
• Why don’t we have a functional system to deal with
people who want to come live here?
• Gun violence, criminal violence, police violence,
domestic violence – everyone is angry
• The weather is trippin, with people’s lives destroyed
and insurance companies hammered
• 47% of US workers earn less than $75,000/yr
• 31% of US workers earn less than $50,000/yr
• 67% of bankruptcies are related to medical debt
• The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world
• The US is ranked #22 in quality of life
• Nationally, 1 in 3 bridges need repair or replacement
• We’re paying $660b/2023 in INTEREST on the national debt
• Everyone is looking at us to help the Middle East crisis
• Seems we can’t even get along ourselves as Americans, without violence
We need to listen to AND HEAR each other and admit when “the other side” has a good point. We can start from where we all agree: hurting is bad, justice is good. Together we can improve the list above.
Enough obstructionist politics.
Enough insults.
Enough hate.
The only enemies are tyranny and injustice. We are not the enemy. We are your neighbors.
We pledge to respectfully work together in support of our entire Constitution, and in furtherance of our common goals: peace and prosperity for our families and for all. We believe these are your core values too.
Mr. Musk, we ask you to encourage your followers toward peace following the election and going forward to work together in good faith to solve our problems.
Respectfully yours,
The undersigned
Support the call for peace after the election and good faith going forward
You can include your top issue or reason for signing.
Sign this petition
at Change.org