MoreLoveLessHateUSA.org is a concept long in thought.
Throughout history people have been shitty to each other, conquering and pillaging “others.” Sometimes we do alright, working together and coming up with things like civilization. They we do something like Manifest Destiny and it’s like we’re not so civilized after all.
This site had been meant to set up a line of art depicting representations of “more love less hate.”
Right about now though, current evens seem to be spiraling out of control. Politics have turned us all against each other. For me, your friendly purveyor, it again comes back to hate. Policies can be debated. Hate is not a debate. When some group’s entire policy is to hate on another group, what can you do with that? How do you make sensible policy out of that? And with all this the race is neck-and-neck?
Enter the “Vote Against Hate” conversation starter. It’s a piece of graphic art meant to inspire responsible voting. The art is free to share for GOTV efforts. Hard cards are available for purchase. See them here.
Now Elon Musk has set himself up as a lightning rod with a “petition” pledging support for the first and second amendments (and a generous helping of encouragement to vote for his candidate).
So……. What about the rest of the amendments? What about the Bill of Rights? What about all that “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness” stuff? Yeah, let's vote for that too.
The world is waiting on the edge of their seat to see if the US is really going to melt down on or after election day. Yes, we’re all a little anxious.
Enter the “Offer of Peace” petition. It’s aimed at Mr. Musk in response to his petition, and pledges that no matter who wins the election we (the undersigned) promise to shake hands and work together in good faith toward solving/improving our nation’s issues. It’s hosted on Change.org. See it here.
Thank you for taking the time to visit.
Please vote responsibly.
Respect your neighbor.
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