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Vote Against Hate
What do you think of the art up there??
I'm not the most artistic person but I'm concerned about the election. Needing to do something with all this nervous energy from the current state of the nation, I doodled up this graphic art thing.
I like how it turned out so I took $100 out of my rent money to turn this art thing into some "vote against hate" reminder cards to pass out to my friends and acquaintances. (Without being obnoxious!)
They're Here!
Oh wow. The background was supposed to be more pale not bright yellow.
But they look good!
Back Side
Is it inspirational or just goofy?
(see text below)
Vote Against Hate
Conversation Starter Cards
Some pictures of the real cards and the graphic art as it was designed.
So I have a whole box of these cards
Yeah, it's kind of dumb that I bought a box of these. But if you can convince one person to vote isn't it worth it?
It's more cards than I realized, though. I can't use all these. And I don't want to just dump them around.
Maybe someone else wants some of these, and maybe I can get my hundie back. (Hey!)
- I can mail you 10 for $5, postage included.
- All I have is PayPal but hey it's legit.
- They'll be dropped at the post office same day.
SPECS: (from my original purchase)
2.5x2.5 square, color both sides
14pt cardstock (thicker than I imagined)
High gloss both sides (feels cool and slick)
Front says "vote against hate" w/ goals
Back is an inspirational message about voting
If you're broke and want a couple cards, reach out.